Organising Africa’s Health Data Towards Optimal Utility for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Building and Adopting Emerging Digital Health Solutions for Africa and the World
At CADH, we believe that as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies become mainstream globally, Africa needs a pragmatic approach for localised adoption and value creation. Healthcare data provides an immediate and urgent opportunity to apply such technological advancements and harness the vast untapped potential for designing cutting-edge clinical and research solutions for Africa.
What CADH is Solving For
The African digital footprint is growing exponentially, and large volumes of data are generated every second. With 1.2 billion people, a steadily increasing youthful population, and one of the highest mobile and digital penetration rates, Africa’s healthcare data potential for clinical and research advancement is an opportunity to harness.
Africa’s health data remains highly disjointed and substandard, lacking the appropriate structure to foster privacy, interoperability, and agency in personalized care and population health surveillance.
CADH Focus Areas

Person-centred Data
Design, Develop and Deploy person-centred point-of-care digital systems for Africa.

Electronic Health Information Systems
AI powered tools for health facilities built with global best practices and standards for real time data centered clinical and business decisions.

Digital Transformation Strategies
Support African Health organisations to adopt and operationalize global and local digital health guidelines.

One Health Research
Contribute health facility and community health data to national and continental datasets that advance One Health research in Africa.
Previous Work by CADH Team
For the past 12 years, the founding team of the Africa Center for Applied Digital Health (CADH) has been a constituent of The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG) and Rocket Health Africa. The team designed and implemented multiple public health and research projects with local, regional, and international funding partners. CADH is leveraging this vast experience and expertise to build digital AI and Data Science-focused solutions for Africa. Here is some of our past work:
Social Behavioral Change Activity (SBCA)
Duration: 2020-2024
Partners: John Hopkins CCP, WI-HER, Busara & TMCG
Geographical Scope: Nationwide
Beneficiaries: Ugandan Population
Main Impactful Results:
- Integrated digital approaches to complement social behavioral change (SBC) interventions in making communities more resilient.
- Campaigns supported included COVID-19, HIV Time-up etc.
- Piloted a number of cross-cutting digital initiatives supporting maternal health, HIV prevention, Adolescent & young women etc.
Biobank Project
Duration: 2024 to date
Partners: African Population Health Research Center, CADH,
Scope: A feasibility assessment on the viability of setting up and operating a biobank model within the private health sector in Uganda and Kenya.
Regional Health Integration to Enhance Health Services (RHITES)
Duration: 2018-2023
Partners: John Snow Inc, AMREF, CUAM, Another Option, TMCG
Geographical Scope: 9 districts (Lango sub-region)
Main impactful results:
- 43,342 voice calls handled
- 57,843 beneficiaries received health facility appointment reminders
- 165,000 beneficiaries reached with thematic area health messages
- 7,463 referrals completed
- 1,315 youth reached via social media platforms
- 1,289 low cadre health workers supported
Health Aids Initiatives at Workplace Activity (HIWA)
Duration: 2016-2020
Partners: World Vision, TASO, RTI, UHMG, Eco Trust & TMCG
Geographical Scope: 50 districts countrywide.
Beneficiaries: Police officers, wildlife rangers, Private security guards & Hotels
Main impactful results:
- Health information access for behavioral change via 24/7 hotline & SMS platforms.
- 37,576 beneficiaries reached (77% were males) 95% retention rates in supported health facilities.
Pearl Innovation Challenge
Duration: Jan-DeC 2021
Geographical Scope: Nationwide
Main Impactful Results:
- Funded towards COVID-19 recovery initiatives
- Telemedicine in the tourism sector
- Conducted stakeholder meetings, first aid training for tour operators & guides.
PRB Digital Health Compendium Activity
Duration: 2021-2022
- Grant from population Reference Bureau (PRB) under the PACE project.
- Sourcing & Archiving digital solutions in family planning & RMNCAH through an online digital health compendium.
- Over 20 use cases profiled in Sub Saharan Africa.
Software & Tech Projects
EGPAF RHITES South West (Uganda) - Development of a module to integrate OpenMRS & Family Connect SMS platform.
LVCT Kenya - Developed the Be- self sure chatbot to support distribution & use of HIV self test kits
PATH Uganda - Developed Facebook chatbot to access, use & results interpretation of HIV self test kits.
Publications by CADH Team
Over the years, the CADH team has contributed to the global body of science through abstracts, scientific papers, book chapters, and conference presentations.
Founding & Management Team